1 'The Saints fore ,finne: ) That one linne will not require fo great .repentance,l?ut that it may be well enough,d.one onhis de'~th-bed, and. fuch like. . - · T.hus I. have acquainted youby the way,with the ficps ofimpietie,and degrees- of ·prophane~ netfc, wherein u,nregenerate men, which hate to be reformed 3 and ~cfu fe to yeeld up themfeIves to bee mafi:ered and guided by the Power and Light ofthe holy and heavenlyWord ofthe true and,ever.:Iiving Goq, doe unhappily reil: and re– po.fe the~felves.,. to-the €ternall confulioo both of their fqules and of their l:Joclies .: vVh-ich ·you mull: take heed of~. if you would profit by the w~)fd.. · 6 Dif cover and defeat alL tnofe Snares ofSa- , than, thir w~ehave formerly mentioned to you.in this Di_fcomfe,rag-.83. under the fourth Vfe.· . 7 Dejcti and demolifh thofe two {l:rong ,Holds of $athan; firfi,Carnall R:eafon; fecond– Jy, Corrupt .AffeCtion; which rl thus define: Jt is the ~attuated ftrength and rage o£ or~ginall pollutio11"which furiou!ly executes the fenfuaH . and tmreafonable determinations of corrupted Carnall Reafon ;-fl:ands at open defiance, and ; profeife~ open hofiilitie againft Grace) goGd– neffe, a12d gooo men, aFld -courfes of fanettfica.,: tio,n ; feedes upon fo Jeng·, .and fills it .fdfe fo full wi·th worldly v-anities and. pleafmes•; that growing by little and little incorrigible and un.. tameable, it brecdes and brings· forth;, as it-·na– turall iffue, Defpaire, Houor 3 ~ad the .Worme yvhich neverdies,_. . ~ , By