Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

and perpetua/J (juide. I, Z4S 1 I Th~never afterwalkewatchfully and fruit11 fully in the pathw.bich is called.holy. ' Now for continuall gr~wing and profiting by the Minif.l:erie, in that ,ne\v and ble!fed courfe, and far thriving by the food of the Word \y~ich , - · thou enjoyef.l:, take thefedire[:tions, -looke un~o -chefe things. · . . _ Firfr, Looke to the dreffing of it,;. tl)at thy See Chry(ofl. ·· fpirituall Cooke be cu.nning; and conf~ianable. Tsm.z..p.Gh. Otherwife~ it may fometimes turne into ranke poyfon unto thy Soule, fill thee with wiilde, and. puffe thee up with a caufeleffe good conceit of . thy felfe ; impaire thy Cpirituall healrh, keepe thee frinted, as it were, and -at a ftay, &c. Nay, an ill fpirituall Cooke, by his jugling Trickes, may make thee beleeve all thy life long; that thou ·growefl: in Grace, and fhalt goe .to Heaven,; and thou art fl:arke dead in finnes and trefpaffes, and lhalt be damned. Secondly , The emptying and disburtbening See~l/~~c~dn <lf the Storhacke of thy Soule,of all Hi1mours, Johan.p.377· Paffions, Prejudice, Croffes, Troubles, Temp- 'tations, &c. ot: any thing that will hinder the puritie and power of the Word from taking polfeffion of thy Soule: even the Honey-combe, the fweeteft thing in the World, is loathfome, 1 as the Wife-man fayth ·, to a full flomacke. Thou mufl: bring an Heart and H~ad, like two ·emptie Buckets, to draw with greedineffe and joy .theW.aterofLife out oftbeWells of Sa}.. vat-ion. 1 Thirdly, To procure and rayfe an Appetite 'I · ( r 5 ) . before - ----