Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

.. , ~nd perpetual/ ~uide. . / 111 . . 1· and exer~tfed, or elfe the attenttve?~dattrad tve addes but more deadncfle to a ·fpu1tua:ll Atro– phie. . S·ix-tly, Conco&ion. By repetition ; ei91er· SeeChry( in wayof conference, with our neighbours, ancl,' Johan.nom.3t. Chrill:ian friends ; or in way of examination, t~~~~!'rumi· with our Wives, Children, .Servants, Schol'lcrs, nate (of the or other, inferio· urs. But, b'f that, Scripture,'t:'i") and as it were nrft., excellent Exercife of Meditation, ·which ch~w the cud, is the very life of profitable Hearing; and the h~~~~h:;::~t want of it', tbe death of all ·good Eelfoos : It juice,fpirituall inflames the heart-wit~ a kindly heat,to praCl:ife; effea-,marrow, as in brooding, the Hen in£ipires·heat, and begets honey,kernell, ufte,comfort life: fecondly, .and by the heat of Prayer ; that andcGnfolati· both warmes the heart, fits the food:, ~nd bring_sa onoftbem, bl ~ b h _ u. Hemily((fl enrngupon ot ~ rtadinz.Scrip- .; Seventhly, Digefiion~ ~app.J.icationofthe tures. • · • 1.. b r. · h Wee muft, lft· .pomts unto our owne par·tlCUMr ; .· y1ortmg t e , 11 mde memoria ·particulars of the Sermon, unto our owne neI qt~~ZJideuttrfJ,r_eceffities·; for the cenquering of this-Lufr; ruling vocare & rRmz· ofth·at Paffion, leaving th'is Sinne, performing 1 , ~::ec~fo;.A::· that Dutie, &c. ·rathertheun• Eightly, Practice. Walking in the flrength certaine Auf . !'. d h h thor,inc7datth. o 1t a1terwar ; :W ic 'makes,it-our owne, and Hom.4~e .keepes .the Soule in_health,and growth, andcomfortable ternper.-_ - . · Andthusweemayconfiantly-grow by the Mi– ni!l:eric, of the vyq.rd'; .w.hich:is the principal! · publike: B.anguet,~hi~h dle'.L?rd bath.p~ovided :for feedmg h1s Chtldrens Snules. The Sacraments are a fecond Service. Even by the firft, that is, Baptifme, wee may gr9w, ---------------------------------~~--~·---- --- ....