Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

'The Saints . promif-:uoufly for them both, bur more fur the latter part. He proc;eeds from the 1-7. verf.unto the end to areproofi~and reformation of fome .abu(es, diforders and incongruities which were growne upon them, and crept in .amongfi them in the celebration of the holy Sacrament of the body and bloudof Chrifr. Inverf. 17. thereisa tranfition or paffage unto the reprehenfion and correCtion of the abufes · about the Lords Supper, by a correction of the Preface to the former part. Hee commended them in the·beginning of the Chapter– membring and keeping the ordinances hee had ·delivered unto them ; but inverf. l 7. hee denies them their former praife, becaufe their publike ·meetings were hurtfull and offenfive) not peace- · able and profitable. Inverf I 8. He reproves them more generally ;for their diffentions and div.ifions at their mee– tings, for fchifme and fingulariry is the fountaine and root ofall diforders, enormities and confu– fions in the Church. He proves this reproofeby : ,a reafon from the greater to• the leffe, inverf 1 9· r There mH.ft be her-e(ies faith heamongJ{)U. No mar1 veil then though there be fchifmes and ditfenti· .ons. And in the fame verfehe ihewes the end of herefies, that the profetfmn of true Chrifiiansmlybe more manifefi and glorious. · t Hee de!CetJds in verf 2 o. to a more fpecialt i cenfure and reprehenGon of ..their profanation, ;ofthe Lords Supper: Ofwhi~htheywcreguilty- . ;cwow-ayes:· · ' x. They·