Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

I 6 . - 3 -- ) ~ 8 'The Saintr 1 Prayers being ended, they fainted one ano• . ther with an holy kiife ; which Paut mentions, . , 1 Cor.r6.2o. Then the commentaries of the Apofrles and , Prophetswere read,according as the time would permit. After the Minifrer made a Sermon to tne people, and did exhort them to godlineife and grace. . That being done, they :all rife and powreout their prayers againe. I Thefe being finifhed , bread and wine was i brought forth, which the minHl:er taking, bee : broke out with intention of voice, · into rhe praifes ofGod andthankfgiving~ a:nd the people with cheerfullacclamations did anfwer, Amen. Prefently upon this, the Deacons minifrred · the Communion tb thofe that were prefent; and it was brought to thofe who were abfent. And thus farre it was much after the inll:ituri– on andordination ofChrifr:~excepting fome few things. . · · After all this was a colletl:ion of almes for the releefe of the poore, the ficke, for widowes and Orphans, Prifoners and frrangers. Thus farreluftine Martyr, ·which lived at TJ..oute'; and it is like this was the manner of the Chrifti– ansatRome. But itfeemes out of this place of Paul, andby · Tertut!ians Apo!ogeticttlt, in the Churches of Afa andA!frica, there was fome addition to the Li· : . turgle. For ----------------------~-------------------