jelj~...inriching examinatinn. .· For thefe facred bufineffes being ended; both .the rich and poore, comfortably and cheerfully • ·together, fate downero a feaft (fuch refection: were called Love fiajl.r (A)d;n~~) frugally and mo- .deracely prepared, anJ provided out of their collections; and there they refrelhed themfelves with Chrifrian conference, and godlyPfo!;nes andSongs. · _ . It may be they had refpett herein to the ex– amplean~ imitation of Chrifr, which at Supper 1 · infriruted thi"s Sacrament . . It may be they labouredhereby to be like the Jewes andGeritiles. The Jewes ended their fa- , crifices with feafis. The Gentiles were wont to ·have riotous banquets in_their Idoli Churches. ChrifHans perhaps ofthofe times thought fit to follow the fafbion; but to avoid thefin, abufes, '; and exceffe. But satan quickly broke in amongft them ; ·empoyfoned their holy exercifes with riot, and .. excdfe,.and turned their feafh' ofCharity into Factions; S.chifmes, and Iealoufies. For fome heldupon Pat~l> fome upon Peter, fome upon .ilppllo.r•. . · ' And thefe feverall factions laboured to prevent one·another upon theLordsday. · · Thofe that came firfrnot ·flaying for the relt, received by themfi:Ives~ And·after they fell to their feafrs; Which they provided too riotouf– lyandluxurioufly; fo that fome amongft them .were drunke and thefe being fpecially of the rimer fort, thepoore W€re excluded,.andhungry. 7 I . That · ·-~~----.......,---..;...-~.;.....---~"~-,