'(f:/fe~inriching tXt!IIJinatiQn. ..9 Lords-Supper, amore fpec~ll and particular ex- ·· , amin_atiqn is required, as appeares by thispl~ceof t~e Apofrle. For by itwe~akeour fel.ves e:ther guilty of the bloudofChnfr, or have our !oules , . waTht from all guiltineifeby that preciousbloud. . - · ,· There we either drinkeour falvation or damna- ._ · -- ·· tion. It is the feaft, at whichwhofoever wanteth -Mar. &Jet s;t3· · hisweddinggarment{hall becall: intoutterdark-. neffe. It is a feale which confirmes and conveyes unto every man either actufeor ableffing;, either a croffe or a comfort. Reafons of this doctrine, and to fiirre and exKeaG1. cite us to theperformance of this necefiary duty, for this time may be thefe. - · Firfi, fuch is the clulneffe and deadneffe of heart fometimes, even in the belt, that except it be frirred up ; and fu~rowed as it were with a fharp and fevere excuffion and inquifition into the inmofi recrecs, and mofi hidden and lurking thoughts, with an exafr and impartiaU examina– tion of the frate of the foule : It will be very un- . fit to receive.with comfort and bleffing either the immortall feed of the VVord, ot the immediate fealeoftheSpirit. The heartmufr bee wrought afrefh, newmoulded, foftncd andmollified by a thorow in-fight and fearch,and with the renuing of repentance and faith, ~if wee looke it lliould receive fweetly and comfor~ably the .divine im– preffion of that he~venly Seale, and holy Sacra- __,. ment. Itmuft be tried-by the pureWord ofGod, if we would have it fitted to be the ·feat for the facred Diamond offanttifying grace. For this . . ~c _ bleffed ·-----~--.....;:--...:...--=--_..;..---=--"':"".-~l ' •-. :: ·r·