Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

:1/Je.Saintr the farrefi: which are fuaken with the wind. But c,pdcr Cai•. · to fhedirmocenr bloud,addes yet furth~rweight Herod. ~i,bar.J· to the burdenof copteience, and to thewrathof God, what height of horror then, and depth of ~ ·hen·may heexpe~, whichhaththishandinfpil– ·ung the guiltleffe and precious b:oud ofGhrifr · the Sonneof God. The .burdenof~ hisbloudlay . heavie upon the heart of I11das ; . It prefr hiriJ. downe from the Gallowes to the botto~ of hell, Matth. Z7· 3 2 4, 5· It lies full hea.vie umill . this day upon the whole Nation of the Iewes, according to their owne curfed wifh, Mlft.2:7·25· There is no man 1affure my felfe, but both with mouth and heart will detefl:' and abhorre the barbarous cruelty, and unfpe~kable maliceof ~hofe wretched villaines, the murtherers of the . LordJefus ; who with mercileffe fury fcourged him, fpat in face,_ crowned him with thornes, ._nailed him to.the crone, and thrufr him to the heart with a fpeare. And yet ifa man deceive not his owne heart, hee may dearly fee, if hee . come to the holy Sacrament irreverently, un· pr.eparedly, and unworthily, hee is in fome fort ~ and fenfea fhedderofChriO:sbloud; .heeisbro• ther in iniquity to thofe- hatefull and abhorred miK:reants, .and·partaker$ af their bloudfhed. ,. Note. .tlndit it noht ignontflc.e, good mea.tJJsg, hcomptt!J); .f'.· lemnitjoft etime, or eOfJJtlt01Ntif{e oft e jiflne, tr~at, .orf ree usfrotn this h(}f1'ib/e guilt-. Many of the I ewes didin.their·igQorance crucifie the Lordoflife, LNk;zg~34·Al'I~3·I7· And- the Corinthians in .this pl~ce , . had no doubt