felfe,inriching exdmination. . 1;. -daubr, very good.meaning when they receiwed mo!l: unworthily, yet they were not hereby cl if– charged frotn the guilt of Chr1fis blpud.- Nei– ther wiiJ acufromJry, formal!) or perfunCtory preparation ferve the turne in rhi·spoint:~ or free us fromaccdThrineffe to the dt:athof. ChrHt, and ' · obnoxioufneffe to the plague efthatbloudy fin. . -APharifaicall w~fhingof the out fide of rhe cup ·· andof the platter,will not makewayfor the wa– . iliing ofour foules from the guilt and polutions offin, by that faving and fancHfying bloud facra- ' . mentally offered unto us in this holy myfrerie.· Asfor example .; Many thinkethey have well and worthily quitted themfelves, and made-a goodly·and glorious preparation, iffor fome brawles, gn«dges,;eaioul1es and ·diffentions riAil ordinary deceit among many igt'ioraat ones. . fen betwixt them, they feeke for afruitleffe and · formall reconciliation with their neighbour , though in the meane ·time they makeno fearch, examine or take any notice of the great dif– ference and fearfull breach betwixt God· and theirowne confciences, or feeke by repentance Hahermvwl– andhumiliation to be reconciled unto him, who huc'l;oluntattm is able to cafr both body and foule into hell fire. peceandi gravari magi& di&oE"• It is I confeffe aneceffary duty to be at·charity cbarifti.e percep· with all men, and to .feeke for reconcilement tianequamtuh h t:. hb · c 1• d n. rifkari. Idemdt w ere t ere1!at eene ral mg out, an urangeA E,c&lef.d 9 gm. _ neffe, before we prefume tocometothe Lords cap.n• Table-; but-except there be befide a~arrow and · fincere fearch into the frate ofthe foule,a ca!l:ing · up ofouraccounts betwixt.our owoe confciences and the Tribunall-of. Heaven ; a true hearted . C ~ purpofe ' I • ; . 1