16 Vfe. r. 'The Saints , • 4 •• . ·, neffe of fpiric, m~ablenefle to rep_elit; .to thac·ai:– ter he hath received, he becomes twofoldmore. the childeof hell than he was;before. This may ferve then in the ·firft place to terrific ,and affright all -ignorant, prophane, : and unworthy comrners to the Lords Table. ' Let them in the.name ofGod tremble and fiep ~ s'iintegevetc- backe, and not-prefume to *approach or preffe ritales11Jill.t unro this heavenly ~anquet. . ' ·tedwcrf~ tos por. Ifthey doe, they defiperately throw their pt!i! {unt, qui temere ad eafo. ownepoore foules upon the fharpell: points, .,and era acee~unt, keene edges ofGods fearfull plagu~s and ju_ dge- . qu~ o~b l:amini· b/14 fontiifican- ments. . . tur, quid dieen2 .Looke to itwhofoever thou art;lftbou come drmJee~,qui~a unwo . .rthily .. unpreparedly, irreverently, and tantum ac tale " myfieritlm teunfanfrifiedly, thou openell: the gates of hell atmrarita eff. gainfr thee, thou makefr way, and givefi: the ~tll{U tNi'lf • 11 h f d k ~ • h Il majU6 eft aliquid rames, tO a t e powers 0 ar neue, Wlt a templt,fwmdu,w their rage and fury to rufh headlong upon thee, TJominivocemt and to rake further and full poffeffion both of . tanto gratii114 ac tmibilit~<~ e(l foule and body. in ani~N~ impu3· Thou wilfully learefl: thine owne confcirieatccenfli:uence withanhot iron ·,·thou hardnefi: thine heart . tttm c~rpU4 chripitemcrettm· like the nether Milfione ; ·thou receivefi: Gods tingere, qt~am curfe under fe~le. ~;::;:~:~~a~~ 4· When thou takefl: with thine unhallowed rasdicente Apo- hanqs thofe holy fignes, thou rentefi againe, pcto, itaq'lle 1"; and rivefi: afunder thyRedeemers dofed wounds, edttp.ancm, vel bibit ppcututn with afpeare againe thou piercefi his facred .fide, itldig11e, rcru · , . eri$ corporir & {anguinis .PBmini, imD vebtllltltitM ac ·ltrribilit14 judicium ptr rtpttitio· wem exprimiM' tumdidt, lJUi 1111111d11tat indigne, judicium fibi mand~~&•t, B:zfil.fcr»u.Je bapti[.tnp.-J. · and .