18 I Whe rein it "con!ifis, I 2 3 4 5 6 · 7 TheSaznts an exact furvey and fearch into every corner and takes a true:fcantling and efiimate of its fpi ~ riruall eftate. _ ·- Firfr, by this godly exercife ofexamination, amanby the touch fione of Gods Word, which is as pure as the Giver trie in a furnace of ea~th; finedfeven fold, doth try whether his converli– on be found and faving, orcopper and cmmter– feit ; for none can worthily receive this Sacra. ri1enr, ·or haveany intere!l: in thebleifings there- · of, but a true Chiifrian ; buthee thadsconver– ted from nature to g~ace, from prophanendfe to ·piety, from his finne to a fanctified courfe ; but _ he that ofaprophane and carnaUmari;is made an holy~ndane~ cr~amre. . . . Secondly, m thts worke of exammatton, hee mufl: finde in himfelfe thofe fpiriruall endow– ,ments, and ChrifHan vertues, the individuall companions of a fourid converfion, which are ,onely able to fit and enable himwith worthi:. nefi'e, profit, and comfort, to come to the Lords Table.-They are thefe: Firfr,- Knowledge. Secondly, Faith. Thirdly, Repentance. Fourthly, New Obedience. Fifrhly, Love. _ v Sixthly,- Sincerity:. apurpofe of not lying in, or giving liking or allowance to any finne. Seventh1y, An hunger and thirfr after this heavenly food) and unfained earnefr defire unto it. · Third1 ,