Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

- I'.II. corpordLion IllW Chriit, of Ol4f muianonand in– vefting into the glorious fiate ofChrifl:ianity. But the Lord~ Sup~1er was ordained to mainraine,con.. tinue, and contirme fpirirualUife , and the power_ · qfgrace already planrtd in the heart.. By the great ·work,e ofregeneration fignified by baptifme_, wee are wafhed, .weare fanclified,we are jufl:ified in the name of rhe Lord Jefus, .and by the ·Spirit ofour God. Butby the Lord$ Supperwe grqw in fpiritu· all fl:rength)we Jay better holdby the.bandoffaith, upon the merits and mercies of Chri£t, we(_feele more foundly and fenGbly the power and venue . ofhisb1oud, wee fe~ moreclerely, anp are more fully and feelingly afcertained of the'forgi veneife of lir.mes; oar confcience difquieted with fame fraildesand i'nfirrD;hies lieceour 1a0: receiving,are fweetiy ·appeafed hy the bJoud ofthe.Lambe, our inward peace, and f~ irituall joy istfie grea.ter. We gather hold, and winne ground againfi our ·cor· ruprions, an<f the power of finne, and become more cheerefull, Gn(', and ,univerfall in ouro– beC!iienc~. Theft. bleffings may be exoetled, where there 2 is (pirimaii life, and due preparation before, bur E..:amination plague~ and jPdgements are the portion ofunrege~ of-other graces. rierate-andp-rophane receivers. . Secondly, in this .ho:y bufindfe of examinati– on' iil preparation, wee mufl: enquire wichin .our [elves for thefe gra.ces, ·the and in– dividuall companions of Ja found conver!1on : ·1· r. Kr:owledge. · 2. Faith: 3· ~~p~nrance~ 4· N.ew. obedience. 5. Love. ~- Sn1centy. 7• A nght ·· - · and --=· ~~--------------------~~------------~--· .·