je/fe,inriching exa.mination. 25 ·;· a~d longing defire ·of that heavenly food. lf .;_ wee finde not thefe holy our-felves, -~ wee are not fouodly converted, nor fit guefts fOl~ : rhe ·Lords Table. Let us therefore never refiuntill wee feelethefe divine and favingver~ rues fpring up in our hearts, and flouriih in our .lifeand adions. Let us with finceriry,confcierKe . ' and z.eale; ufe and exercife all thofe- good and :gt:tcious meane.s and motives which God hath .(m;iained and appointed, for.begerting and be– rhem, as pra¥er )' imp·onunity with ' ·grbanesand:fighs, the WQrd read-andpreached, . confeFenceand-meditltion, godly company, of– ten remembringour death, that dreadfullday·of · doome, evenat hand; and the eafeleffe, endlelfe, and reme-diletfe p4inesof h~ll, andfu~b like. But if'VI{e d9e fin4 them in -m, .though·miXed ·with · much weakneffe. and in.firmity, with many frail– ties, wants· ~nd imperfetl:ions ;· ye~ if they bee 'thert! in·fincerity and truth, .jf thetbee, joyt'led ' wit4-a:fu~lpurpofe, and conftant refolut.ion to · ,aba·:don the allowance of eyery in·firmity, and .Utterly to cafhier the practife of ev_ery groffe :. Gnne, we may by the grace of God, with corn• .fort, profit, and certaine expectation of a blef– ,!ing, cometo·the Lords Table, that there wee ·. ·mavfirengrhenourfairh,confirmeour graces,in– - ·flame our zeale, increafe theaffurance of rhe for– giveneffe of o_rir finnes, and -of 'Gods favour ; ~row. nearer ~nd m~erer into fellowfhip with -Chrifr) and communion-with the Saints. . If our graces be true, though .weake and ·full of . ' ~ ' I i . ' ' ) . . . ; . I