fe/fe .. inricbing -ex11mi~ation. Thus every onenaturaHylives-the life of h~U in all the powers of his foule., andparts·of I?is body. And he bath aroot and fountaine oforiginaJ1 iin ~ fiicking fail: in-his bowels, which fiill feeds & fi1s his bodyof death, or rather life·offin;with c;on– tinuall fupp1~ofnewpoyf<?n., and he!lifl:vig~qr. · Out of thts maffe of fptntuall mtfene fprmg oatnraiiy all plagues, judgements, and curfes, both in foule andbody~bG>th in this life:~ indeath~ and inthe otherworld. In this life hereby we are fubjefr and liable to -madnefle, -terreurs, .and ~nrange afronifhments in minde. To all infirmities, difeafes, and tor– tures in body. To Ioffe, wron~s, andoppreffion !~ gqods:~ an9 our tempor~ll eftate. To flanders, drfgrllces, and reproaches mour good narne~To difconten.truents and difcomfort inwives,neigh– bours1, friends:~ children and pofterity. Sowith what an armie of curfes every Wi!kcd man is dogg'd, Deut. 2 8. Indeath they are to·havetheir poore and hopeleff'e 'foules torne an(l rent wirh ·lJJUch·angt1i-fh, ~nd paittfull horror, :frC?m their fiofull bodies) with a defpairfull, cornfortleffe, - or fenfle1fe divorce. They are upon their deatli– beds·,ro lie likewilde Buls in anet, as E [4.1[peaks, full of the wrath of the Lord. And ltJ theMor- . 11ingthosfhalt faJ, rP011ldGoaitwereEvep, andttt the Eventhtmjhalt foh wouiJGgditwereMorniNg, 6 -c. DeNt.'Jt.8~67• , Butin thewor1~ to come come the beigbtand comp1ement· of ~11 wofuJneife : Nor oaelyan eternafl ·teparation and cafting away from the • prefence ' 29 :