abie;_ andgorions ~ every 0ne of them,WQrth a world ofgo 'J yea, ten·thoufand worlds. __ - They are_.r:hefe i ~ Participation and union with Chrifr, whereby weare ingratfed.into him, and become one with him. Or it is that mutaall inward hold, which Chrill: bath ofus; and we of him, in fuch fort~ that each p61fe1feth other by way of fpeciall iuterefr_, propriety, and inhe-rent copulation. _R.econcili~tion, wherebyweare delivered from t})ewrath ofGod, (he ·enmide of creatures, and flavery to Satan, and happily'reftored into Gods .favour and protell:ion, ·and fo certainly pre~rved infafety, from the hurtfull fury of creatures> the rage ofSatan_,a:nd powers ofhell;the fiones of the field iliaU bee at Jeagae with thee, and the beafis, .· &c.Io6 ;. 21,22,23,~4. Welha1Hleepe,andnone {hall make us afraid, Levit.26.6.It~!J.u.I9· Wee . Chall notbe afraid of evill tidings, Pfot.I 1 2~. 7. . · Remiffionof fianes, whereby our 'polluted and wofull .(oulesare freely and fairly wa1hed for ever, difchargedand enlarged~om the fraine, guilt, pu– ~Hhment,and raigne 6ffinne, by the bloud-fuffe– rings and foveraignty ofour bldredSaviour. Imputation of ri~hte_oufneffe_, wherebyour fins , are laid upon him , and his obedience counted ours. Interceffion, which comprifeth in it three things.Prefeptationof himlelfebeforehis Father, as Mediatour and facrificer ofhimfelfe_, fur a full fatisfacti?n for ourfinnes. An engaging of him– felfe to1us eternaU Father~ that by hisgtace wee E 2 , being .. 3 . We are hereby , freed from the Glth,guilt,dam– nation,and do.. minion of£in. ... aCor.J,z.o. ,_ ••/"! I . . .