Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

'Fhe Saints covct~usman ihal,! in,h~it rhe ·Ki.ngd~m~_ofGQd I ' Cor--6~ 1 o; and yet greedilyana infatiabJy root in earth; ·and the fading and tranfftory pelfe thereof, as though hee fhoqld never.die, as though. there were -n6 joyes, 1 no'1rU.m6rralitY. in another w_(>rld r:o be lookedfur, and:Ibught a·fter; no happineffe bnt in,vanifbing richesJ which £hall not profit in the day of revenge; but wiH take them to their 'Yirlgs ·I~~an Eagi~,~nd fl~ in.rorhehe~verts,~v~tel . aman able toheape his gQld to th;e frarres, ·to en– dole the whole face of the ea:tth fromone end of heaven unto-the other,_ to purchafe a.Monopoly of . ~ ~. ~~~- all the wealth in the world ; yet-Upqn his d~th I bed a1Fconnot profit him . the;: cannot:pl'btnrc one drop dfmerde, or on/jot of comfOrt : wliy then let himknow, that his knowledge is not fa- . ving-,.but ferves to increafe hiscondemnation. , ·1'If-any: trian know out of Ze~h. 5· ·3: that tlie curfeofGod will cut off the fwearer; as ·wen on· r L ), this fideason that, and yet retaine fi:i!I One Oath orother ; ·let'hip:t knGw that his knowledge is not Caving; put ferves to increafe pis con~emn~tion.,: , , If ahy man heare and le~rne ont.ofifoY"S· n. , a fearfuii woe· 'aenouncedagainft them' that ar~ ' mighty to drinke wine, and fl:rong to powre in · fl:rong drinke; and yet be exceffiveand riotous that way·~ Leth1mknow~ 'that His kri~wl.edge i~ not .raving; hut'ferves to increaf'ehiscondemnation. . . - If aman heareand learne,Jer.t7.27· That afire , fhall bekindled in thehoufeof the Sabbath,brea· . ker, and fhall devourit; anc~. £hallno~be quenc~ed, arid yetcontinue topropbaneitat his pleaflilre, for . . __ ... . - .pleafures, .,