(e/fe~inriching examination. pleafures, profit, or .worldly buftne1fe ; Let him· knowthat his-knowledge i$not Caving, bqt ferves to increafe fuis condemnation. If aman kriow9utofMakeh.5.8.9. That the fa– crilegious perfonfhall be curfed with a curfe ; that is, with ahorrible curfe, with a double curfe, and · yet detaine Gods portion either forcibly, or fraY– dulently; Let him knowthat his knowledge -is not faving, but ferves to ina-e(lfe his c0ndemnation. If aman know out ofPfol. 15. That thofe fhall not dwell in the Lords Tabernade, or re,fl in his holyMountaiae:~ who hate not vile perfon$, who give their money to Ufury, and yet 'is guilty ·of 'both ; Let him know hisknowledge is not faving, but ferves to increafe hiscondemnation. . If m·~n knew the worthy prafrife of the Saints of old, in teacaingthetr childrenandfamilies;k~ Gm.x8.I9· Iof11.'1.4·'5· Pfol. r•.and yet hav~ no praying, nocatechifing, no holy government in their boufes; Let them know tbat thi-s know- · ledge is not £wing, ··but ferves to incre:afe their condemnation. Thu~ let aman examine his knowledge ofGods Word rhorowour, and account it fo farre faving as it is working, and drawne into pracl:if.e. .., Third!y, itisedg·dand eneagredwith a longing defire, and in~tiable thirfr afcer more . For the true Chrifi:ian.not refiing in the hifioricall, for– ma:ll, ·and a~tifidaU knowledge of unregenerate men, and hypocrites, wherein there is .nofweet– ne1fe, notafle, no ·comforr, butdivi_ngintothemy- . fiicall knowledge of the myfieries of falvadon, F which · 3 A third marlte offaving know– ledge,the thirfi aftermore,