Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

" .. The Saints which the fpirit ofGod cloth reveale to faithfull Chrill:ians, .doth there finde and·feed upon fuch heavenly fweettletfe, fuch rich and-glorious corn. fort~,+that hee is never well but when hee is dig. gingdeeper into thi~ celefliall Mine, and wading further into thefe holy fecrets of favirig know– ledge.Ifachilde but once fpie any partof thejew– ell in the fathers hand, or but have a glance at it, hee will never reil: and be-at quiet untill he fee it wholly, and have it in his owne hand. It is fo with :1 babe in Chrifr, after the farittifying fpirit ofGod h1thonceopenedhiseyes, and but fhewedhim-a, glimfpe of thofe heavenly jewelsof divine know– ledge, he i$ foraviihedwith the unvaluable beau .. ty thereof, that hewili never be at refr, umill he be m~de further, and fi1I1ypartaker of thofe rich and itlving treafures. The reafon why fanClified men· Cp zealouOy and fer fly feeke and .labour afi:er growth in knowledge., is:becaufe they are perfwa.. ded of the neceffity of ir,·andare fenfibie of what :danger tney are in, and how wide they lie open tothe deadly blowes of fearfull remptations, andSa· tans fiery darts) without this fWord of the fpirit, knowledge inGodsW6td. . ... If a mJti had a cruell and implacable enemie, that had defperately and refolutely fworne his death:) an&to this end iliouldfiill dogge him at the heeles, atanyadvantagetorunne him th9row:>and to imbrew his bands in his bioud, how·carefuH and ' watchfull would hee bee-tofurnHh hirnielfe compleatlywith weapons, and skill to defendhis naturall life) and eo .repell the fury and rage offo · bloudy