Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

. folfc~inrie6ingex11min11tion. . 1 bloudyafoe. WhySatan that mortall and immor- ) taU~ ene tomankinde, bath vowed the everfa.. fting death ofevery foule, and therefore to this end followes everyone at the h'eeles, with all his fiery darts and policies of heiJ, at every turne to wound their poore n2ked and ignorant foules to death; how earneftly md eagerly then ought eve– ryone to furnHh and fit themfelves with skill and knowledge in GodWord, which is the fword of the Spirit, that they may both warcl his blowes, and wound his head, by the Caving power of this weapon, and fancrified ufeofthis fling, every true ChrifHan is enabled to cut oif the head,and knocke out the brainesof that·huge Hol(}for~tes, and great GoliahofHell. But every man or woman rhat wants this faving knowledge out of Gods Beoke, fiands ·at the devils mercy and devotion ; even as a poore helpleffe Lambe in the bloudy paw ofa Lion; or a filly Wren in theravenous pawof aKite. And rhe mercie his hellHh malice will iliew, is condemna.. tion mercile1fe, even flames of eternail fire, and endleffe woe in the bottomleffe pit. Pitifull then and f~arefull is the cafe and condir ion ofmany ig– norant people, who bleife and content themfelves in their ignorance,and if they be told that they be wholly in the power and poffeffionof Satan, by reafonof the ignorance that is in them, they will fay pretently, they defie .the devill and all his works~ and they will fpir at himin figneof defi– ance ; and yet poore foules while they fo conti· nue,theyare the devils flaves,whomhe leads blind– folded and hoodwinked thorow his kingdome of F 2 darkneffe .· - l . \