Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

:1t 'The Saint/' darkneffe here on ·earth, cowards thep·r of ever– lafHng defrruction. Little weighs hee . weake ' defiance, when their owne ignorance givesthem the lie.; he little regards fuch vaine proreftations andidlewords, folongas he woundstheir foule; · at his pleafure,and fiicks them thicke with his fiery darts. What is aman better, which being naked in the field againfi a fierce and compleatly armed ad. verfary, gives him bigge words, and teis him hee defies him, and·the worfr hee can doe; while in the meane time his enemie works his will upon Luk.u.u~ . him, and takes away his life? Satan is the ll:rongar... med man, all ignorant perfons are frarke naked;and' quit~ bare ofall fpir1tuall armour,_ they frt him at. light, and give himfoule words, but in the meane time the-deviJI wounds their foules to death. Yea, but will theyfay we feele no furh wounds; nejther doe mad_men and·drunkards, though they be flafl1t and·wounded- mortalJy, in their fits and fury feele anyJuch hurt ; but when theycome to themfelves·it may cofi them their life. So igno., rant wretches being befott~d with m~grounded good meanings, and befide themfelves infpirituaU matters, and fenfleffe by their-Lethargic of igno- . ranee, feele not thofe many impoyfoned blowes, and deadly wounds, that come thitke and three– fold upon their foules; butwhen upon their death · beds they fhaU tqme to themfelves, and have·their: . confciencesopened, and their wretched efratere– vealed UntO them; they fhall feele the fmart, and . bleed·unto everlafring death. A holy,greedinelfe: · after~and .a continuall growth inknowledgf',is one - · · - fpedall