' · as itwere to betrow its brightneff'e and beauty be. yond the heavens, and never refiraines the ftee communication of his influence and glory, untill it determine by natur-all and neceffary expiration : ·So that he makes as muchof his light, and doth as ·much good with itasmay be. Even fo the facred light of divine knowledge in the fancrified foule of a true Chrifrian ; he doth not inclofe andmo– nopelize his knowledge; he doth improve indeed, but not enclofe ; he cloth make muchof, but not :monopolize his knowledge. ,. It labours after it owne particular illumination: · ·Firfr, to inlighten thofe thatare rounctabonr hirn; eo teach and in!truet his family, if hee be mall:er of afamily, hiswife, his fervanrs, hischildten, in the wayes of godlinelfe, mddofrrine offalvation. . Secondly, bee defires, .and delights to acquaint his kindred, his friends, his acquaintance and fami· liars,with thofe comfortable leffonsandwholfome infrruetions, which hee himfelfe hath leathedout .of the BookeofGod. , Third~y, even amongfl: !hangers bee watcheth opportunity, 'and takesoccafion to inftnuate fome good talke of heavenly matters, that fo.h8knQW· .ledge may be fruitfull, and workingfor his mafiers advant~ge inall places. ihall co..npanies ; nay h(} is willing, if fo they wiJJ, that the very opp0fite'and overthwarr, and thofe that oppofe· themfeives c~gainfigQodne_~,andGods trtith, maybeebette· redarid'recl~imed·byhis.adq1onition and reproofts outofthe Bookoflife.Nay,andbefides aJI this,itis edgedwithan endle1fe defire ofdoiagmore good ' ' . ' ,· frill• .... / . , I