felfe:inriching ex11m.ination. frill. For it is a trne principle in Chrlfrianity: 'c Thepeformances ofGod~· children by the grace '~ ofGod are llla.ny, ·che~r endevou.r~ m0.re, their " defires endldfe~ Thus favirig knowledge iseve'r fpreading, m6ll: liberaii and prodigall of it felfe, lbining round ab0ut where it isJ andworkingall the good it can inall pla-ce$. Knowledge in unfanetifiedmen, as it is unfaving . to themfelves, fo it is m.a.ny timesunprofitable to others, either becaufe it is unexercifed through idlenetfe.orbtlm.our.,or be~aufe it is not fe~fc>nably, . wifely, andpowerfullf ~pplied to the confcience, for ·Want of fpiritua.U exp~rience, or becaufc through nic:enelfe and c:u.riofity, and that they wouldnotmake them.felves cbeape, it iskept and concealed, like feme r~re and precious jewellin a casket, to beefbewedone)y at-eert.aine times, to fome fpeciaU periOns, vainglorioufly to purthafe cred'it~1md breedadniiration;but ev.ery godly man holding the coovcrfionofothers thecrowne ofhis credit, and the comfort of his knowledge, is ever free-hearted, open and liberall thatway : When a neceffity is laid upon him by reafonofhis charge, orwhere there lshope or opportunityofdoing any g~,orwhenhe finds himfelfeto have a calling to fpeake ,; heavenly' treafures·of faving knowledge in the heart of godly man, ~ave a quite contrary pow~r and property to earthly riches hoarded up in thecofferof ·acov:etous man. T~hefecommonly beget inaworldlyman niggardline1fe, greedine{fe ofgrafping more, robbingothers, and engroffing · F 4 all. . .15 · Note.