Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

' ! Mic,p,J. 'I'he Saintl all. An earthlym~nded man if he onceenter upon ' .the violent torrent of oppreffion, prefently with a fwift and headlong courfe hee is carried with full faile, even over a Sea of bloud of the poore, the fatherlelfe and oppreffed, fo that at length hee may finde an habitation without neighbours, and dwell by himfelfe upon the earth. If he once bee flefht with cruelty in this kinde fOr gathering of riches, hee is as holdfafi: inkeeping, as unconfcio. · nably ingetting. Ifhe .~cebeginne togrin~e the · faces ·of the poore, hee le never ceafe untdi hee plucke off th~·r skinnes, teare their flelh, breake ·.theirbonesJ c opthemin peecesforthechaldron, and eat the ve y flefh ofGods people, as the Pro· phet fpeaks. Acovetous gripingof this tranfitory pelfe, doth·bring forth fuchathirlHng dropfie of .engroffing-all, that the owners:would rather lofe their foules, than part with their riches. But con– trariiy J the lafi:ing richesofCavingknowle~ge,doe ever bring with them a longing and. readineffe to bell:ow .them on all commers~ and to open their fouticaines toall drawers, and to enlarge their fpi· ricuall pafruresfor the food of foules, and for the fheepeof Gods pafrure. Aheavenly mindedman ever keeps open houfe forinfi:rucHon in heavenly things:, fpirituall banquets. The lipsof therighte· ousfeed many,faithS.tlomoo, Pr6Y. ro.2 r. & I5• 7· The .lips of the wife fpread abroad knowledge; Wherefbever knowledge ii.Caving, and 'in found· neffe, itis a·s newWine in veffels, defirous tovent, and that not vainglot-ioufly to purchafe the idle fume, andinfet.Hou~ breath of prophane praifes, · but