-fo/fe,inriching·exdmination. anguHh and farrow, and flicking fa.it in the deepe myre o( feares and terrours, begmnes to looke · about for comfort and fuccour; none is robe(ound in anycrearureJ no gold nor filver, no friends n4)r. P,hylicke will doe him any good; no. man or An– geltoranycreature.)canadminilleranyreleefe.For Angels,in refpect of rhofe pureeyes which-cannot behold iniquitieJand are now fafl:ned upon irs fouie pollutionsJ are .chargeable with folly ~nd vanit~ ; the heavens are Impure) and the frarres uncleane m Gods fight. No man can deliver-his brotherJ nor PfaLt9·7,&,9· ' make agreement unto God for him,for it coHmore to rede.emeafoule; hemu(l:Jet that alone for ever~ At l~fr ithapyily cafrs its eye upon that infinite Sea· ofGods mercy,.which glorioully !l:reamesthrough 1 the bleeding wounds of Chrifi: J efusJ. upon every truly broken and ISontrite heat t ; ic fettles and faft:ens it fight fl:edfa!l:ly uponour bleffedRedeemer, as he is hanging upon t~e CroffeJ!l:rugling with his Fathers wrath forourfim,and cryingatlafi,It is fi· nifhed.It greedily catches hold on in a ferious con . fidera.tion, and comprehends the whole gracious· doCtrine of the covenant of life and falvation. It confiders all rhe proclamations of mercy and par.. ,don in the Booke ofGod; as that in Ifa. 55. T•. Ho/ 'everyone thatthir.fteth-, com.eyee to thewatets,andyeethat, haveuoJivercoi'JJebuy.audeat: Come Ifay, Plf:YwhieaJJd. milkgwithoutJilver,andwithont 111oney:And that out of ' Chrifts owne m~uth, Matth.. I 1.2 8. Come untome a/1, 1ee·thataremeary, a~tdir~itleafeyou,&c.. ·· : 2. Seco~dly, _ after a full and chorQw .fight and ·(· coolideratlOI?- of the great workeof our redemp· . . tion,