Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

j ,. 6z er he Saint! ___!_________________ rion, and of aU thegracious promife$ oflife, the difrreffed foule beginnes to thinke this with it ·felfe ; that though my cafe bewofull andaccurfed by reafon offinn'e, yet by;the merciesofGod it is 'recoverable; though my finnes bemanyand hai, nous;yetin·Chri!tieilis they are pardonable.Only ;it now caf}s about how it may have part in i:hefe 1 merdes J and interefr in his pailion. In thcfe cafes it receives great comoort from fuch places as thefe, 'L1tk:4·I8. Mat. I 2· 2 o. 3· Hereupon in a third place it beginries to hun– ger and thirfi after the precious bloud of Chrill:, farre more greedily and infatiably, than ever the panting Hart after the Riversofwater) ·thegaping groundfordrops of raine~ or any condemnedman for the pardon of his life. It would give ten thou– fand worlds, ten thoufandlives~ foro~egulli Gfhis· bloud_, towafhaway its guilt and fiaine, fpots and · pollutions ; for one drop of mercy to qnench its . thirfi, andrefrdh itsagonies. · 4· ·Hence in a fourth place firong cries)and pray~ ers,and fupplications,groanes & fighs unutterable, with fuch importunity and panting, that at lafi it cafl:s it felfe uponGods tender mercies·in Chrifi Iefus, it throwe5 it felfe with fome comfort and confidence into the bleeding& bldfed bofome of its Redeemer, as hanging and holdingdoyvne the head upon the Cr-offe :'·h hides it felfe fweetly · and deeply inhis facred wounds, and gored fide) from the eager purfuit of thewm:md!ngL~w, the r?gedfSatan)and the fringings of its owne con– fcicnce. And ·nowbythistimethebowels ofGods ; _ ' tenderefi