'IbeSaints repentance; tobewaile heartily all his finnes a~d former wretchedneffeoflife.>not fo much for·feare ofGodsvengeance; and the punHhmentof finne 11s he did in legall repentance, but efpedally grie~1 · ving with godly farrow, for having fo vilelyand rebellio~1f1y grieved and otfended fogracious and ' lovinga Father ; and fodoth refolurety abandon , the praCtice of every grotre finne, and at Jeall: · throw out of his heart and affections, the liking and-al!owanceof every the Ieafr ~nfirmitie: j.:And for ever after fettles himfelfe to holinetfeof life ' finceriryofheart, agood con.fdence) andan uni· verfall and true hearted obedience to all Gods Commandements : By growth inwhich,. and'-by fenfe., obfervation, and experience.of Godsfpeci– all favour and love unto him in·the courfeofhis ChrilHan life) and new obedience: His fait~re· ceives continualllifeand frreBgth, untiU it come infomegood meafure·rowards that height ofaffu· ranee, and fulndfe of perfw<ifion with the blef– fed Saintsofolcl ; that .h~ isable to faywithholy David, Iwil!tJotfiareihongh the earth be moved_, and thaugh thettJOJt?Jtainet be caft imotht111iddejt ofthe Sta: Thou,f5h the waters thereofrage andhe troubkd, and the mouctaiNes/hake at thefor.rr,er ~Jthef '?!Je·, Pfal. 46. 2, 3· Though I}bould walk§ thorow thevalky~f thejhadowof a~n.1nri.fol u 1 . death, I wiltfeare ntuvilt, for thouart with 111e, thy rort and thy fta.ffo they co11Jfort me, P fa!. 2 3·4· Andwith . Ivb; oh tbat mywords wereeowwrittm! ohthat the} 1 werewrittetuveninahookg !.Andgraven with a?J irofJ penin Lettrl,or i11fton~ for ever:ForI amfore that 11J)_ .Re– deenJer liveth, and th(tf ·hefhalloe thelllfl uponthe ettrth. AtJrl