folfe,inriching examina-tion. And~houghaftermyskj?J?Je_, wor111et deftroythit body,y~t foall Ifee GodiiJmyft'fh: Who11t I Ill) fe!Jefoa!t fee, a?Jd. . uJi?Jeeyesfball behold, il'tdttone otherfor me, thoughmy · reinet are confuuted within me, lob I.9• 23, &c. And chap.r3.verf I 5. Loe,_thoughhefla.J tne,yet wiltI truft in him. And with blelfed Saint Paul, RoUJ.8. 38. I am perfwaled that neither death, &c. There highr~folutions ofheav~n, and noble elevationof fp1rit, are the very naturall iffue& producementsofafirong faith. Which ifwe would artaine or preferve) wee mhfr watchfully Iooke unto our hearts, lives, and confciences, that they bee pure, unfpotted, and tender, we mu{l take heed of rehpfes_, and warily prevent fals into finne. For we fhall finde our faith to ebbe and flow, much after the decay -or in- ·– creafe of our holineffe of life, and fincerity of · heart. · Thus I have briefly opened to you the nature J breeding, birth, andgrowthoffaith. And thera– ther> lefr youdeceive your owne hearts with falfe faiths ; I me.ane faiths unfufiicient tq falv11tion, or wander in the by-paths of exceffe or defefrs of faith. · 1. For firft there bee many kinds of faith, of SceD~W71.. m, whkh none. will ferve the turne fqr falvation. , · f;~~~f~ds of ·• '. There .is an hifioricall faith, whereb¥ aman j' iaruffici~nt ts endued with knowledge of the Word, and is, faab. certainlyperfwaded in hisheart that it is mofi true;\ Hi!lori~all and divinely infpired' ; this is fo farre fr<Jm being J faith. favingfaith, that the Devill and his Angels exceJl ! !Danymenherein: F ()£ wheras many menare q~ite i 1gnorant of theWord, and many have but litrle) G · .:. know- ~ (