Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

66 2 Fahh of mir:t· des. · ' 3 : Imaginary faU:h•. ' 'l . '1 'FIJe Saints knowledge, and give bet weake affenr io the.rrurh .thereof;·-- the devils knowmuch, certain!ybeleeve it, and ye.t they doe more) they ftare _Md tremble, Iapt.2.19. . · , . . 2. SeconJiy,There"is a-faith of miracles;which isaninward·perfwaGon of the heart, wrought.hy fome fpeciaU infl:infr of the Holy Ghofl, in fome men_, wher.eby they are truly perfwaded, thatGod· .will ufe them as infl:rument3 to bring to paffe fome firange and extraordinary things. Thh harh no power for falvation, it is common) and.communi.. cated both·to the. elect and reprobate indifferent· ly : IJdC~s · wa.s endued--with th~s power, and had his part herein as wdl as the reft of the Apofrles, And wef~e,Matth.'7· 2 2 .M.anyworker:; ofmiracles iliallbe rejefred at the IaQday. Many faithChrifr, will fay unto me in thatday, Lord,.LotdJhavewe not by thy qame prophefied? andby thyname call: out ·devils ? and by thy narrie done many great works ? And then will I profeffe to them, I never · knew you) depart from me ye thatworke iniquitf; . 3·' Thirdly, there is an imaginaryfaith, which deceives and damnes thoufand: And that is afrrong and bold perfwafion; without all truth~ ground,or ' warrant, that ChriA: is their Saviour, that they have part inhispaffion, and 'iliall undoubtedlyhe faved, when indeed and truth there is no fuch mat.. ~er ·: And therefore it is no true perfwafion, no true faith, bur a vaine prefumption, a firongdelu– fion, _a n:ue counterfeitofa;t.rue faith~ . And this is threefold: Firfr,:whenmen andwomenliving,ia ignorance, with-