fe/fe,inriching ~x11-mination. . 67 without all faving knowledge, ·upon fiKh .princiI~aginarh Ples as thefe,· -that they meanewell,· that they doe ~~th (Jf cnee • IOrU, no man harme ·; that they praymormng andeve- · ning;buildatoldand b_lind~ perfw_afion,, that they . have as.goodpart ~ndnght mC_hr!ft!l as the,~efrof · ·them·all; whereas mdeed they he enthralled mthe invifible chaines of damnation, and are meere llrangers to the life of God_, by reafon of the ig- Ephef.4.1s. norance which i$ in them. For knowledge in the Word ofGod, is the grourtd-worke and foundation of all fpirim~ll building ; without it there can no true faith be had, no repentance., no new obe- ·dience) no faving-graces at all in this life, or falvationin theworldtocome. Secondly) when men entertaine and fettle in their heart a Jl:rong and bold conceit, that Chr;fi . belongs to them with ~u his benefirs) and yet · nufle and harbour in the fame neartsa liking and allowance offume finnes in themfelves ; at Ieafi a ptirpofe to-continue inone fweet finne orother) ··wherupon depends theirhonour,wealt·h,pleafures_, · and worldly happine1fes ; :and will nor be fubdued . · by the power of the Word, to a thor9w change ·of heart, and a foundamendmer:1t of life. Thefe , men thinke they have .areach beyond the Moone, . ·and are ~i,fer than -all the ChrHHans that ever I were, whtch could never finde fo fmooth :and ea– fie a way to heaven : For they fucke frill at the \ bre~s-of pleafure~and feed upon voluptuonfne!Fe, ' vam.ty, and worldlineffe, as the HodJeech upon · c~rrupt bloud; they ruffle it in the vanity and glo- .ry·of the world ; they joyne hpufe to houfe, and 1 G 2 land l· / 2