Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

The Sain·es · land to land, byoppreffion and violence ; or con– rinue in one open finne or other, and ·yet vainly nouri!h hope of falvation in themfelves) rhinke they are·in the fiate ofgrace, and have as (ounda · trufr in Chri.fl: Jefus~ as the pureft and-precifefl: amongfr them all ; but they ~very fouly and feare– fully deceive their owne poore foules, and i1rive for impoffibiliti'es, to bring two ends together whichwillnever meer,finfull p]eafuresupon earth, and endle1fe peace in the world to come. Thefaith ·ofthefe men is but imaginary and countefeit; for it - .is ever the property of true and faving faith, tho– rowly to purge the heart, and to reforme the life : wholly; toexpreffe it felfe, andtoappeare fruitfuH and lively in the exercifes of invocation and true repentance, of finceriry a'ndobedience. · Thirdly, whenmen conceive a bold and fl:rong perfwauon, that Chrifl: istheir Savieur, and y.etfer light by theminifreryofthe Word·& Sacraments; embracing the ufe and folfowing the exerdfe of :them onely at their leifure and pleafure,.fofarre as . !their worldly commodities, andcarnaH content- · ment will give them leave ; but not with hungry fpirituall appetites, and humble fubmiffiofi to the power thereof. The faith of thefe men is but a. 1 vaine prefumption, and counterfeit conceit. For jufiifying faith i·s ever conceived, cherifhed and . confirmed, by a. right religious, confiant, an4 powerfullufe and excercife of the WordandSacra- . ents.The feeds of aweake fairh,(ifir be true and . ·jufrifying) fowen hr the heart by the Holy Ghoft, · cloth growby littleand little ~o a£l:rong faith aEd · full