.~4 . - not be raved, ~xcept ' bee were ne\V born~, bee I' Verf.+ : , .(lrangely a~d ~oo.Iithly replyes; R()n'. cA-n~ 'man - he/;orne, whtchug/dt How can he e.nter )tnto hu mQ– therJWombe agt-ine., and be b.orne ? 1!hus you fee, there can no other 111eanes benamed, or thought upon; not all humane Knowledge., nor wo.rldly · Wifrdome, noi'good Meanings ~ nor Will- . worlhip, n~r the ·VVord it fclfe in the -Letter, which can leade us into the wayes of Righte... o.ufnelfc, or bring us unto _Heaven.; but onely · the Light of Gods. ~oly \'Vord,.holden out un,.· to us by a profitable~ Minifterie, _and the power ofthc Spirit. . · · . · . Rea[on 2. . A fecond Reafomofmy Dot'trinenuy b-e tnis: l'he Word N.o.rnan can ever fee the Kingdome of God, ex- '~orkes regew h b b . h t.. :neration;with· Cept e . C OH1C agame, except e ue a neWcrea- ~utw~ich,o() ture, a new man , as is plaine in ChrHls words falvauoa . · untC? ·NicodemU6. ·For o_ur new birth, or regencWh:it· regcne~ . :rati~,is the· necdf-arie ·paffage from Nature to ~ation is.? ;Grace; frqm prophaneneffe; to finceritie : It is that wh~reby wee are wholly fanet:ified and fer apart unt9-G'od;frqrn the finfnll e.orruption of our nat.ur~H birth·, and the evill fruits thereof,– to ferve God in our whole man, both body, fouie, and fpirit_. Now you mufi conceive, that this newbirth mufi: nece!far-ily fpring from the i.mm()rttdl Seed of the WGr~ of God;; for fo it is cal– led, I Ptt. r. 2:3~ - It is th~ Seed of our new birth~ fc.tlvation, and immorrali~ie. And you-may ·as well 1ooke. for Corm~ to ·grmv up in your fields ' without fowing, wit:hout cafiinganySeed -into the furrovves, as to Iooke fot ·Grace to-growt~p m