ll~Dl',~.9~ .· . I, I·· I I:· \fhe Saints fore · defire the Mounraines to fall upon them,. that· they might-hide themfelves_ from the fierce wrath of the Lord, and not behold his fearefull counte.. nanc~; and that they t:hall wifh full mafly times, they had never beene botne ; how ought every man, which lives without the Light·and know- . ledge of Gods holyWord, f~are and ·tremble? And yet, Godknowerh, hee cannot conceive the thoufand part of thofe horrible torments which · the ignorant and wicked perfons endure for ever. For as the heart ofman cannot comprehend thofe bletfed andglorious joyes,whic-11 God hath pre– pared forthofe that love him; fo the woe, tor– ments, and endle!fe vexations, which iliall be poured withwrathandoveggeance upon thehead of the wicked, infinitelyp.vffe the·tmderfianding of man: None can conceive how horribJe, they are, but onelybe that feeles·them. It verydeepe– ly then concernes you (Beloved in Cl}rill: Ieft-~s) as you tender the everlafl:inggoodandhappineffe of ym.n ownefot:~les, to labour by alJ meanes to ~1nlhuc1ed and inlightened by rhe·h0ly Word , ofGod,whichis holden out unto you,a$ a Lampe and Tor-ch, eo leade you through this Vale of ' Teares, and World of Darket1e!fe, to the bieffed fmition of rhe moll: glorious and everlafi:ing Kingdorne ofHeaven. Otherwife-, if you will needes continue in ignorance fiill,markewha_!. is your wofu:ll frate and condition : howfoever you may feeme to fhine outwardly, to the eye of the World,or in yourowne conceits, in pleafures, in , •· plentie, in civill honefiie, in outwardmirth, and·· .~· other ·i; ~--~--~----------------------------------"' '