(tlfe~inri·chingexAmination. nor fow rbemfelves~ rior1et their Taiid to-Tu·. has _would Till ic, and fobyconfequembring ade~rth ·tl'ponthe land, which is one of Gods plagues, and~ .publike. executioners of ~engeanc:e~ Ezech. 1 4· I 3. J"hey would pull Gods owne fcourge out of his .hand, and laili their brethren wirh unnecelfa– ,ry poverty and want, who. are farre better than .. themfelv.es. . 2.. lt is a meanes to ca.O: unnecdfari1y many peo-. pleoutof aTowne; for with the decay ofcillage their (erviceableneffc ~afech ' one fhepherd will . a..lmoO; ferve thew turne; hereby God is mightily dHI~onoured : His people are d€vouredwhich is his inbenitance, as the Pfalmift teachethus ; As~e vJe,[~titloGod, ami lJ'$ill give theeptople for thine i1he– ritanc£; (J1J{/ the_11tterwoflpartsof the earth for t/9) paf– fejiotJ, PfaJ.l.•8. But indo(ures -to enlarge their owne inheritances, by the bloudand ruines of an* Gient 'renants and inhabitants, they defr-roy and laywafre this the inheritanceof_the Lord, where Godhat~.beene praifedwit:hmany mouthes J 2 Cor~ r-. ar. Therenow&·hritcb~wtes, Ziim,.and Iim) and 1 ohim; and Qtherundc:ane biJ::ds make thdr nefis. , 1 Orat befr, theMinHter may preach unto the wals, ;and onely a few itaclofures. Hereby a-lfo thegloryof theKing is lefi"et:1ed and obfcured : In tbe multi– tsde oftbepeople i1 thehofJQf!r of aKi1ig, fiith Sa!ofiJJIJ, and for wt~tJt of people CIJIJJ1JJeth thedeftrHUion of the · Prince,P.ro.r4.28· AndEcclefl5-·8.he tels us)that the King confi!leth bythe field that is tilled~ fo that . dec-ay of tillage ,the turfed'br()(}j ofbloudy inclo· fures_, anddepopulation) are the very·rut-throat_s of.