'Fhe Saints of Majeftie) ana conrufion of trates ImperiaU. • 3·· It currals the maintenance of theMinUters, which chiefly frands in corne• .What £hall become· of the Parfon, when there comesa rotof iheepe. •. 4· It prepares ~he way to abhorred follitude, fo.. Iitarineffe and depopulation, it opens the bloudv ftou.d-gates ofcovetoufneffe and oppreffion.)which · fweeps away whole Townes, what(oever at firfr may be pretended and protefied tO the CORtrary. The ctuellLand-lord fpies aClofewhich lies con– venient to be added·to his Demeanes ; admit his neighbouritif he will, yet he will givedouble the worth but he will buy him0nt : (for God forbid that bee £hould u(e him'as AhabandIezabel didNa· both.) And this hloudy thirfr of adding land to land> being once on edgeJ (as we fee by wofull ex– perience) will not bee quenched, untill bee bee. drunke with the bloudofthe oppreffed. · 5. It doth monfiroufly and unnaturally exchange · men for beafrs ; It turries out men to bring in !heepe ; whereas t.ke image of God in one man, is farre more worth thanall the fueepe in the world. · And God telsus by Ezechiel~ thatthejheepeofhil pa~ ft1tre are men,Ezech.. 34· 31. Neither is the exchange upon·equall and proportionable tearmes .; beafis · are received into rich and fat pafrures, btJt reafo• nable men, whobeareGods image, are theirbre– thren3and betterthan'rhemfelves,are turned out to graze upont~e Common; nay,the Common and all is enclofed,&.they are cruelly caft into the wide an·dhard~hearted world, .and fo linger andlangaifh away in-bitterneife of griefe; mifery and want; a