Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

folfe~inrichitJg examinatio-n. ·~ . ·l 2, 41 adeath as far more .mercileffe than pre~nt murde· ) -;-- - ring, as hanging in chaines alive is than,beheading. / Hence it is that fuch opprefling Cannibals are faid : Pf'a!.x 4·4· toeatupGodJpeople ·aJIIfl!an woutdeatbre4d. To f-m,zt– lowllpthepoore. Top!Hckgofftheir skjnsfrom theut, anti theirflefhfromtheir bone1 ; tolre~ their bonu, a11tichop · thetJJ in r;eeces tU for thepot and-as fiejh within the Cha/.. : drvn,Am()s 8.4.Mich.32·3· , · r 6. Inclofi1re isafou!ename~ an hatefall andodi- 1 ous thing, and <?fill report. The woundsare yet frefh bleeding , whch indofi1re harb made, and the teares yet ftand in the eyes of rhe o~preifed, and the dead carkaffes of poore and hunger-fi::1 rved / foules, lay not long fince bleeding and groaning in rhofe paftures whichwere inclofedwith b1oud and wrong: Thofe wretched Caitifes j11fil yindeed pe– rifhcd in their rebeHion,yet as Chrifl: faith, Luk.:,17. Woebe u»to the11J bywhom theojfifJceCOfJ1t!Jeth.Nowthe Phi:L 4 .a.. Scri;>rure teacheth m that wee fhould doe fuch i Ram.' a.r1: h . · '--- ,t:, d ,j: .1 t . 1 . fi . I t mgs as areKJOIJ f.r, 4fJ "'J gooa !'epor , ptO'Utatllg VI' · !Jonefl thiwgt, not one!J before God, /rut tttfo beforeme11, ab[laiiJingfromaUdppeara?tceof evil/. And therefore if inclofure, were not it felfe in~lofed with oppreffion, bloudand wrong; if there were nomore in it, butonely thatitisfo odious, and of to bad re.. port, yet I doe not fee how any Chri!Han could . Pra8:ifeitwithagoodconfcience. Why, but may I O~eU. (_ not all thefe inconveniences,or rather mkhiefes,he ,. avoided,ifbefore they begipne there be a rtfolure and ]oynt protefration, that tiHage fhall notwich· fl:anding bee upheld, andthe poorenot hurt? That was done, and fuch faire pretences were I · _ S . · made, ·