Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

I ,, l r I r ~ . j '. , I ~ j /I tr I ' Ob. Sol. 'IheSaintJ made, as 1am credibly andChn1tianty informed th~re where thirty three ploughs, are nowbrough~ . · to the great dHbonour of God 1 artd the defiruetion of his people, to the intollerable leffening of the glory of the King,and the inexpiableweakning of th€ ftrength and finewes of this f-amous and renow– nedKingdome_. Befides, I appeale unto wofull ex– perience ia this Counrrey, moll: infamous for this bloudy finne, whether thefe and manymoremif– chiefes have not dogged inclofure at the heeles, and whether the Inclofors themfelves have not beene fl:i'angely hauntedby the markable curfe and .. vengeance of God. And imagine for atime they fbould hold out tillage, yet what bands-or chaines, what ferters ofiron would'hold the greedie world– ling or ifhimJ his rucceeding pofl:erity' from ma– king the befr advantage of theirowne. Afrer they · had felt the fweetof pafl:ure) and private ga1neJ little would they care for corne, or the publike good. ·Andthey would eafllylearne (forthere are ·enow DOCtorsof fhis crafc)-that there is more pri– vate advantage io grazing and breedingj than in ~ husbandryand tillage, byagreat deale. · \Vhy, but_what fay you to rhe inclofure of Latt– cajhireand chejhire., Ejfex fla~tfiJrd/hire;, Devonjhire) and filCh like wood-land Counrreyes ? I fay there in rhe be~inning ifrhe Woods had not bcene endafed , they could not have becne . pfeferved, and (0 may feeme, the enclofures· there of neceffitvhave ever fince beenecontinued. ~efide~, there every Lordfhip is charitably devi.. ded amoagll: theTenants,.tillage alfo in mofr ~f thelr::