Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

--------------------==~~-------·- ~· ------ ~ Saints ----·-'· 2,44 . • · cap·q~ OfSw~aring. whenmankinde iswafted for the benefits of a fe: in this ~inde. God in the beginningbid Aat:f!J. and Eve,ihcre4ft i!Jd multipf.j, tJMdjilt ; that h, withmen, with the image of God, with the pre- ..ciousfeedofche divinegeneration)&not tofeek~ ·(as rheJ?ropher faith) hyjO)nktg htJttfe to la011fo, 1111d [tJnr/ f{),l~~ttcl: to he-alone upo!l the etJrth., IfoJ· 5. IffQme prefidents of·depopulation fhould bee generally . followed and imitated, Gods people, andhis ih– ·Jh_eritance woufd bequitebanifhed and rootedout .of.t~_e. earth, and onelya few Gi~11t1,Jo11ne.t of.AtJa~~ and mdofing ZanzHrmnifJI would ·bee left m the world. Againe) ifhis finne beefwearing, and hee threatned out of$«harie :t that the flying hoo4eof Gotkclltfo-is out againH: him, atsd that efJery one that ' fr:Peareth fhalt bee c11t off, 111 well OfJ ihirjde MO?J that. And out of the third Commandement, that the' Lord'R'iii.?Jot hotilhim guilt!tfft that tttk.;th hi.rNa rneitt ~vlline. t.c (He willprefenrly fall tomindng the fin, .andcxcufinghini!e1fe:Perh<ips he wiltrell you that ' -b~s ca:!tomeisnbt:to·fwc.·are by-·God,or any bloudy ·oaths,butonelij._by his:faiih 3 ort roth,by this light, by thi~; brea€1, or!fuch like lighter and trifling . OJlths~and h,ehopesthere isnofiKhgreat offencein . that; I and .that wee ~ire nor tyed to fuch fi:rifrn.etfe ; andprecifeneffe in our words. Y:es, butwceare by '·, the words ofour blefffd Saviour . and every ·one '\vhe bath~iven his Name mitO'Chrift will make confcience~of ir--- 5 .swe~re11l;t at alt: faitfi he, neither . 6y HedvetJ, for·it'is,t·he thrJ!n)._of 'Gorl; tJoryet by the Earth) for itis hi1 foot-ftoole, neitherhy:Terti .f: lem, forJt i1theCity if thegreat King ; neitherjb11lffhoufweare /;;· thine I