Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

.folf1~~inrichiYJg txamination. 1 lf1 thi11e kttd,jor thon canft.nOI ma~ one h11ire white ol' )--'--– !JI&~. Malt /J. 5.34>35. Saint lamu with zeale and J earnefineife doth 1econd hisbletled Lord andM:J· {l:e'r, lllfiJ. 5· u •.EeforealttUngJ, fair~ he, fJJ} brethren, fwrttte fJOt, tJeithef by He~ven, nor byeArth, ?tor h.J any othero11th, ~utktyourJea bee.Jea, a.,JdJU11r 11f1J NIJ), left 1"11ft~llit~totewlptatiofl. z. Or perhapshewiJlexcufe th<£t,by relling you that his are not properlyoaths, 1 brit fome kinde of ~dde phrafes ) and h:~rmletle I fpeeches, Godfmee~Godfwill, _Gods bqdikins, Be~ ' Lakim, Feiks, Feikins, by myFeiks, by myFei- . kins, bymy trqly, by_Cocke, by myFey, her La- 1 · dy,.and fuch like. But ignorance and fuperfl:ition 1 are the parents of fuch bafc .and b!_afphemous 'j fpeeches. ~en ar~ naturallv fepfible of the hor– rourofblafphemingGods glorious Name, and yet they have foimired their rongues_ to fwearing, and ufed tofiJI up their fpeeche.withoaths, that they cannet quite leave them J and r~erefore they ·childifhly and idlely bbour to hide rheir blafphe– mies from God, by curulling and mangling the · words and fyllables~ But what is·this but lewdly and audacioufly to jdt with holy things, and to mocke themighty ·Lord., whowill not bemocked; as thopghhe re~arded rhe pronunciation and out– ward found, more than the _o:lth it felfe ; ~or for– biddingwith a-terrjblecomminat!on, hisglorioos Titles and Atributes to be vainly named, ihou1d be content to have them nick-named in fuch a foolifh ! and ridiculous,JI!•mner,. 3; qritrriay bee heewill , - plead cuftome, 3n~fay, howw~ver ~ee bath p:ot i a naughty cufiom~ ~f fwearing~_ w~ich he cannot ( · _ S 3___ leave,