! 4s_. . TheSaint1 M , ho,oes aH that whilehee mayfiveare. Butourbkf- . Jttll. f.34,,3f· IJ~m. s .11.. fed Saviour faith no ·; and his holy Apofile Saint . I Ia111es. Ordinary truths are blrely to beaffirmed, wirhout addition ofoath, orprophanation of his glorious Name. They tell us in theplaces fore deed) that i?J o11r ordinary comntH!Jication rPe rnufltJtJe– IJ ufe yea, }'ea) 11ay, nay, for whatfoever it·more thas theft.commeth of wilt, indeed from the DevilI. 6. Whybut perhapsbeewill fay;, except J: fweare I , . fhall not beehdeeved'. Admit that, it ·were farre hereer he fhould never bebeleevedwhiletheworld , fianJs, than direttly, and againfr his knowledge to rranfgreffe the Commandement ofour .bleff~d Saviour, who bath forbidhim to fweare in liis or- . dinary communication.Wearenot tolie, to fieale, to murder, to-be dtunken towinne credit, neirher indeed in ordinary communication to fiveare, r>at we maybe credited.lfweforbeareitiithh cafe, we purchafecomforno oar conkiences)·byourobe– dience to Cods holy will ; and thofe who ouc ofcaufleffe (t.1fpirion mifrruft our wordsJ doedif– co\.·.er their owne lurking corruptions, and pra– '<~ti[es offaHhood-, for ·none fo ready cofnfpett· unknowne evill in another; as hewhois gt:~Hty to himfelfe ofhisowne naughtiheffe. But the wayto be credited without fwearing, is robe trueofhis. .. rongue, unblameable in his converfarion; let him b~ aChrifHanJ and all goodmenwill beleevehim ~itboutanoath; while lie continues prophane I · .will bee loath to'trufr him inanyweightyaffaite,· .whether-hefweare o(np;) except·he be' fome .ooe. .morall Puritan, a.mongft'anhundredunregenerate men :.: