Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

.· . Jelfe~inric~~~g exa;,-n;;;;i--1.-.- .-_-\ _1_4_9_ } ·men : Amonget the fatthfull rh€n oaths need ·not, 1 I andarn0ng£hhe prophane they profit not. 7· Yea,··\ 'but yet farther, perhaps hee will a-lleage· that bee ! makes no cullorne of ir,as fwa~gerers and fcorners·I doe, but only now and rhen in his choller and pafii.;. [ Oil,. When heis fovexedbyothers,.thata man can- -· nor.potlibly forbear.e. .Why, but what a graceletfe· l . 'untmyardnetfe is this? be<;anfe a mortal! flJ4nwhofe breathish;hisn~iels;arig.ers-him,w.ill hefiercely flie' in~o the face of AlmighcyGod, who is able, and– may jufily, while the oath is yet in his mouth~ ftrike .him flarke d~ad> and rurne him into Hell'· _ among(}-the bannings and curfings of wickedDe– vils. Becaufe at.lother man rreaas upon his toe, or– troubles him in fome toy or otherJ will·he die his J fonguered,, byhis blafph:mousandblou~yo1rhs, .l mthat preci0US bloud whtch fhould fave hts foule ?·' Becaufe another man pricks him ·with a pinne, croffes him in his pleafures~ or hurts him in a trifle, will he hazard his falvation, and wound his ownel1 foule unto everlafiing death ? prodigious mad~ netfd fenfletfe fiupidiry ! 8. Or it mav be he wilr j fhroud ·himfelfe under the patronage ·off6me great · 1 men, who m1ny times fouly difkrace themfelves, . : andhighly dHhonourGod;,with fomeon.eorother I fet and folemne oath, and .prophanation ·of Gods 1 \ gloriousName ; as now and then ungracioa!N to · ~· grace taeit fpeech j and wickedly to give weight · I unto their words, without any fucb urgencie···o.r \ necefity, theyu(e to comeoutwith6iforeGod; or · fome · fuch 1ike unfeafon:1ble · and · nnfancHfied· ftJ~eches, whichbardensfome, and g\vesgrea~ot: , fence~ '·