Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

...___~-:-:---~---=~~;---...,.._,..~~~ z-50 \' ". The Saintt - -----:- fence untoothers ; And fuee·willtellyou hefid~s) · that it is growne now adayesthe commonfafhion of the world, and almofr thegenerall cufiome of . all, I and that tbeye is ·fcan:e ama11 tQ bee formd (a : few fcrupuious an9pre'cifefellowes excepted, and . thefe doe as ill) bur he·will at leaft now aqd then .rap our an oath. Bur we mofi not followworldly wife men, the multimde&cufiome oftheworild; : inmatter.sofHe~ven, andrhe,affaire;offalntioo; : , · 'Thou /httf.t fJOJ, fauh God, ful:oN a multitHtle ttJ doe· , evil!, Exod 23.2. Ari€1 Pa11lceJs us-, notma":Jwifeme" - i after thef14h, NOr uutn)' ?JJ!f./3ty, 11or f!J41J) 1J(}b/earecalleJ, .r Cor.I.:z6. And·Chnfr . I~fus fpake rhu.s:untdhis· Dikiple~; Ioh.I5· 'Iee4ft"1JOtufthewOT!d, o11t I have ·e-hBfMJOU e11t ofthew(}f/d•.Followers ofChrifr, and fafhionsof the world) arefworneenemits. We are firictly, commanded not to fo/hionourfelvulik&uNtfJ · .thitworldJ RtJm·. I 2. 2·. But we mu££ bepureandbltmte– leffi .· and t11lighttin theworldy:-itJ the tltidft of anaug~'-tyaadcrook§dgeaeratio!J.)P·hi1.2.·I'5• Ifwe woufdhit the right'path toHeaven,:;we muff takeChri ll le-, fus for our guide, He it the'way,;thetf'uth) t1nr/thelight, I oh. 14.6.andnotfollowunfanctified-greatneffe~the multitude& fa.fhionsoftheworld : Now Chrifts direct and peremptory charge is, [wearenota,t ttll,. Matth. 5 34'·- to-wit, in our ordinary rommuni,ca– tic;>n._g. Nay,y,et, (forthetbift~andfrar- · · tio~ holes,of hoi·Iow hearts,.for the defence ·and · maintenane,e:of IJheir. fW€.et .Gnne; ·whati0ever it : 1 b~, . a~ iflfi?ite.and,e~d~.elle~ perhaps hewillIab?ur :_ 1rra flueJd htmfelf~: Wtdkfome· fhew; ~ut 0fScnp.. ·. I rqre, _a defperate-and·gracd<dfe:·pracbfe, by ~re-··: · " · fimg_ , • iiiloio