Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

!/ . felfe~inrir:hin& exiunination. J1iiliGodsownei~_6fy \Vord toweaketJandwound . his.glory_,and to m1ke way for fin;but nocwirhfran-: dingto the.purpofe,irmaybe hewi:lltJrgePfoL63· ~ t ~ Att thatfwetJr~ by himjha!lrejoyceinhitn. Deut; 1 o. ~o!AtJdthlfltfht~lt feate the,LorJthyGod~thoujhalt ferve hi11t~ thf!it{/.~a!t cleave u?Jtohim, 4'1Jfhalt fwearrbJ h.;s . NaNte. I an(wer; as S~tan forconqtile!t over Chrift, fo all his followers ute many times to wreA: Scrip· , wres to thec-onfuGonofcheir foules : In that place ' ofi:be Pfa.lme, byfwearioglw ~dlc Name ofGod, is , rot;npriz.~dthewholeworfhi·p-ofGodbya fig.ure~a , part being'taken fu.r the ·whok. Now fivearing:, . wh·i0h is;theremeaht, is indee.ct part of Go_d~ w ,)f- . fhip; hemc:-e .itisirhatlemmt ~lt.~ c!Jap.4·'"·Thoujhaft , Ft~re Jhe .lw:ti livetk,.in .t1'~ttb~ i!J ;~tc(e,egteitt, (f!Jti i!J, rigb.t-eufff?JPji.. ~· Bt;It this js ;to b;ee .clone iH bigl1 .. · we~gh~y and·~xt:r:aorcliflary ~m-.ltter-s on eJr, ;conc.e r'i- • nin.gciu fpeddltlJ?Utan~r the ~l~r-y of God·; · the i mai11t-enan1.cseofihls'i'envi~~;W0rd rm~:hr;uoht; · 2: In t cafesof ha~n<rt ,e,iJther of,(})ur Fle.i.ghbom:s, or .of! outtow~~ifi~.,,~or-Ghniftian!liepatarkrn, j ap~ ~he like. , ~ ancl. tib~ -when ~11 ;onhe·r lawfutJ ; me~nes' -reafQ)\lj; 10lttd :ar.gumemrs are w.aridng(l;o i oka·roe a ·~~e~ght'Y and ll~cetrary truth. g; Apd to ; that ~nd; that God.may be, 1 •· gtorified ia . rh~ ac.. · kno\Wedgement .ofhis omniprefence, mpni!CJ– ence~ trotb 11 ju!hli;e andpo~er. :2. Eonthe1nnaime– nance.of truthanclJnfi:ice, in:thin~s Iecrerandun- , knowne; ~· T.o:put·anend \t());aUdotibt·S.and·con.- . trover£ies,H-eh. 6.16:• .4. J:or.the,eommongoocl of · mf!nk1,nde" ;bo.rh of-:our 1neighbours .and ,ofour .·: . felves. 4• Andfuntbem~nner; it mufi: -be done in .I ' · · truth, i