Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

l'1t , 'The 8_aints ___ ,.. . B,a-:~"r= .: ,paz.-11. I truttJ, inJ11dgement 3 and in righteottf1iejfe, as Ieru11ie bids, and ever wirh a religiol;ls-relpecr, and aw– fiJll reverence to thit glorious and dreadfull Ma– jefHe, the fL1preme Judge of Heaven and Earth, ·whorn we call towitnefie as acertaine Patron ofall ·truth, and fevere revengerof all•fa-Hhood : Thus and in :this fenfe an oath is apart of Gods worfhip. Bu-t that (wearing which is ufuall inour ordinary communication, is the Devils fervice, and to bee ranked smongft the bannings and blafphemies of Hell: Andhetharopenshismouthfordefenceof it, is ofa feared confcience,_and Proetour of the pow'ers of darkneffe. Thus alfo underfrand that place in De~~ttrlnomie, with all other to that pur-· · pofe, as Deut.6.r 3• Ifo·65._I 6. Ier·4·2·Ifo.r9.18. & 48.' i. But againfr fwearing inourordinarycom– munication, fee M atth. )•34, 3;. IflrJJ. ; • I:. You fee what a ffiutlling and fhifting there is when~ man is wedded to a finne, and- will ~ not fufferthe Minifiery ~f theWord to ·mafier his corruptions, nor is wi!ling to fubmit .himfelfe wi~h humility and obedtence to the Scepte.r ,ofChrtil, and the Soveraingty of his fantl:ifyingfpirit. Aad if the~e be faehvariety of fhifts and excufes for the finne of fwearing, wherein there is neither pleafure nor profit, what pleading, what fweating will there be for the defence of pleafurefuiJ,.gainfull, and afpiring finnes. Our late and learned Soveraigne bath told us in his booke to his fonne, that oaths are but an ufe, and a finne doathed with no delight nor gaine, and,hee',..more unexcufahle, even1n the fight of men ; other finnes commonly · have