I --~-~-__;....--:----------·.. jelfe..-inriching examination. have fome.pleafingbait, fon1e tlrong enticement: But an oath bath nomotive from fenfe, nofenfuaH allurement, it is all Devill, ranke, entir), mal~dous Hell. And as coacerning the curfed eftace·of a [wearer, bleffedchryfoftome_,aworthy Authour,tels Rom rr. us) that .he is like ~ theefe.condemned to die; the , ~owisever· O:lth is no fooner Olat of his mouth but rhe fen- I hkea condem- • • ' ned maldattor renee of eternall damnatton 1s patfed Hpon ,. going coward j him, for the Lord harh protefied, He will not hold i th<t yallowe$, him ~NiltleffithattakethhisName iiH'fzint ; and ifthe- · Lord hold him not guiltldfe, · who can fave him from eternlll death? Vepgeance indeed is not pre.. fenr.ly executed alwayes, bur let him know, _that the longer hee is refpired and reprived, the more· Hripes~nd great~~pl~gues , are preparing for hi~, j' except mthemeane tJme he .repemand forfake hts finne. 'If then tliere oe neither pleafure nor Rro- I fidn fiv:earing, and the fiate of a fwearer fodefpe• rare and forlorne, and yet fuch flmffiing and fhifi:ing. for nphnJding it, -you may ~onjetl:ure how · loth-an unregeneratemal),who hath no affurance of Heaven by a jufiifying faith, will be to parr with. other both delightfull and gainfull fihnes. Hence it is, that yet farther, befides difl:incHons, excep· dons , and many other evafions and ihiftsJ rather than the unregenerate man will yeeld to be guided. by the Word of truth>agJinH: the fenfuall pleafures .ofhis heart, he wi lJ turne the point ofGods owne weapon againfl: himfelfe, by oppo{lng~ one place 6f Scriprure) with his owne falfe gloffe and private fenfe, again!l: t'he true meaningaDdnat:uralfpower . oftheWerdinano~herr>lace: Asforexample, if there_