Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

'Tbe SaintJ there be urged againfl: his formality, coldneife and ~x:p'si~~c~q~~~- luke-warmneffe, that Ephef. 5 .I 5. Ta4eheedtberefore .J.~o~i/;J;u;,• thatyeewalk...e precife!J) it is tranflated citC1111Jfpe&!y, q:Jud ab imoad but the wo'rd_in ·the originall wHl well beare the [upremum•fccn. former.; and that I roh.3·3· Every11Mit thttt hathhope datur ·.CJuod e{i f r. • G d hh. , r, jf-h h l e.,q~t~{it.ererfe· o 1eemg o ,p11r'gef · lfiJJe'Je4's .i:i.rpttre; t1ar is, c1.e~ dilisen:i.c, in matter of fanctificadon and holine!fe of life, muft bea Puritan, ~nd that ofour Saviour Chrifr tQ:his Apotties, ·Ioh. 1 3· xo. Tee are c!eane or pnre, ./wtliot4l.; .as if he fhould;havefaid, yeareall pure) (fQ;· fo, l(g.~eJ'' the word in the originall fignifies) divectly (I. meane 4ill in fincerity of heart, and holineffe oflife) fave onely one) a?Jd he it adevt!l, !oh.6..70· thatwasrnda.r..JQ.h.. t)'· 3· Nowareyee cleare · . or pure, (for the word rhat-fignifies pure is uied · there~gaine) thronghthewwdrmbicb:l hauefpohgtJ 1l?t"· ·toyou ; whenceappeares) that if the Word worl{e powerfullyand confcionably,jandby the ~ncHfy~ ingfpirirof Chrifr, it make.smen.pure ~in holineffe . ·of affe[tions, . and unfpotr~dn~:(fe bf life ; .I ~rif -the formalJ profeffour be urgedwith fuchp1aces·as thefe, rightly unr.lerfrood, and in their true fenfe, theywill much gall him) nettle and fring him, and h~e will fiartle at the name -of Puritan and pre– cif~neffe; and prefently come upon you wich fuch pla'ces as_thefe, witha fenfe to ferve his.owne hta– mour, and to maintaine hirnfelfe in a p foddin~ courfe of formall ChrifHanity ·; the placesbe uch as thefe ; There ilt~,generation that are pure in t f 1 eir ow,ne concdt, and) ?tarenot wafhedfto11J theirfilthi?JljJe·, Pr()'l). 3o. 12. Herewill he fay is a place f0r youthat are fopredfeand pure:~ fo fing,ular andSeraphicall, . . · iliat