(u/fe-inrichzng examination. 15; that an ordinarv courfeof life.) and a re-afonabkf~r:.:. . . vice ofGod will nvr ferve your rurne, buc yorr mufr .bee percht up like a proud Peacocke, in a firaine and frare of holine1fe above your fellowcE. And ifamJn but fweare now and rhen, and refrefh himfelfe amongfr good fellowes, traveHiliocie up– on the Sa.bbath, dice, feafr, and dance it at times · of theyeare) as it harhbeene the cufrome time out " . of minde, and the like, he is prefently cenfured amongll: you . to bee prophane, as though they would have us tobee Angels upon earth, and that fleili and bloud could endure fuch firiCl:neffe and precifeneffe. Such a paraphrafe ·as this would hee have of the place., whereas indeed the very edge of the Text doth light uponhis owne pate, and cut the throat of the carnall gofpeller : For it takes hold upon fuch which yet lie polluted with their owne bloud,wallowing in the dunge) (fo the word fignifies in the Text) Gfthdr owne naturall cor– ruption, utterly without the power of ·inward fanfrification, and yet thefe will needs perfwade themfelves, that though they be not fo forward as others, yet they hope for falvation as well as the ·precifefr: Or though they comirme inCome groffe finne, as in Swearing, Uncleanneffe, UfmT, Sab- · bath-breakin~ ~ Oppreffion, Ignorance, n~gle& ofthe MiniiteryoftheWord worldlineffe,hatred · of Gods children, or fome fuch like, and yet they . inourifbaconceit. that their ftate is ~ood enough 'for Heaven, and that theymay wefl enough ~oe I ~ for good ChrifHans. ·" For, thinke th'ey with 'rhemfelves, we have agood care inotherthin~s to r