Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

. The Saints '• ro 1erveGodJ it is but this one thing inwhich we '~offend) and we are bur f1e{h and blond, wecan • ''not be Angels upon earth, there is no manbut "he lies inonebofome fin or other.) &c. Thus ma– ny profeffours ofGods trurh thinke themfe:ves to be good men, and without exception, when in– deed and truth they are very prophane, and in t: 1e frate of wrerchedneffe and damnation·. Ifhee be beatenfrom this place, hee will perhaps Jay hold on that Ifis·6)· 5. Stattil~tpartJ come_itot neare to1/le..i.f:w _I am thll'?J thou)&c. See fitrh he, how uocl himfelfereproves and threatens fuch fellowes who will'needs'be more holy than othermen)tbeymufr · be th~ chriftianJ, and other mengood-ft'lowa; they mu!l be the breth.ten, and ali befides prophane; they onely mu abe fin<;ere and confcionabie, and others formalifrs, ar-dcarnaii gofpellers. They cannot be. , content with prayer and -preaching in publike, as others are, but theymufl have family exercifes, as they call them: They cannot onelybee content to forbeare groffer finnes, as Adultery, Drunken– neffe, Ufury)and fuch like, but out of their pre– cife' humours, they mufr make confcience of ly– ing in jeft, and petty oaths, when a man meanes no harme, honefr recreation of theSabbath> dan– Cingupon holy dayes, when we have nothing elfe to doe,,gaming fot our owne money, merriments amongtl good fellowes todrive away the time, ab- · / fence fromaSermon now and then, at fome wakes or feafts,and fuchlike trifles, not to beflood up0n. This is his corrupt gloffe, and inconfeqaent infe~ rence upon the place., but wretchedman, hee doth . not