folfe,inrichirsg txamination. - notconfider that the T~xt ~ay jutlly and fitlybe returnedand retprted upon hts owne head:,for here are meaNt proud Pharifies, and Imp~rious Hypo- : crices, whichout of afelfe-lovc oftheir ownecar- : nailwifdome, and fuperll:itious conceits,_ are im... - patient ofcontrolment and reproofe, by the mef– fcngers and Minifrers ofGod; and thinke they are wifer by their namraU polide, and more holy by their wi\1-worfhip, and civHl honefiy, than thofe they call Puritans, for all tbdr knowledge in the Word qf God, and with all their fincerity; the · fimpler fortof thefe men, if they be reprov~d fur 1 finne, as thefe Hypocrites were by the Prophet; · asfor fwearing, prophaning the Sabbath, idleneffe, ignorance, and the like; their anfwer is commen– ly, (in fr-·nfeand fubfrance, the famewiththeirs in ·the Text) what have you to doewith m, wehope we have as good aconfcience to God as you ; you will doe worfe your felfe now and then, meddle withyour,ownematter~, we are :bettermen than . ·your felfe. I omit here the Expolition which fome learned Divines give of this place, very prof::.ably, ·whkh carrieth no {hewnor found any wayes tO– wards their f:alfe glo!fe, that'sthh:> whenthe idola– trous and rebellious Jewes were wickedly facrifi– cing in their Gardens) .and on high hils, and unEier ·everv greene tree, as their corrupt cufrome was, the Prophet wouldcomeuntothem,- anqfromthe ' mourp of Gcd ceqfure and reprove their witked. and abominable facrlfices and fervkes, but they · being fuperfiitioufly and ·fottilhly wedded to T their-