I - §· ,., . . , . f their will-wortbip, (as the Papill:s are atthis day) : ·thought· them.felves hereby more holy than the 1 rr11e fervants -of OGld,.and would.endure no re- · ·proofe and. mediing wirh to the contrary 11 and l therccforewhenthe Prophet.came, theywould bid. , him ftand off, not· bee toobufie.rior meddlewith.. them, if hedid~theywouldfpeedhim,theywould , · fanfrifiehi~with a·witneffe, they woulddifparch. him, even facrificehim,.astheydid theirbeafrs, iO bloudily and cruelly minded were they towards him. If this place then will ne>t fadge and ferve the 1 turne, it maybeehe wilhurHeyou to that Ecctif. · 7.18.Be NUt j11jl II'Ve10JNc!J,here faith he the wifeman~. after longexperience in theworld,and palling rho.. row m;any courfesand wayes9f life) being now grownewif.e)aad mo.dera~e,and Qayedin- matters ofl\eligion, bid! us ~Mtto ~e ;ll]i .llfJl,.11liJ1J.h; not too _ predte, too ftrifr, to0 fingular, not !till to have one trkke or other abave others; but J;o.hold the hye-way , and todoeasourberrers, and~£1: men .doe) &c. In thi5Commentary upon i-r, underlland1 • bythe war' bypredfene£fe, firidrnefW' and fingu,– larity, howfoeverheemaydecei~e hlsowneh~ar.r, . -and pretend to·th.eWQrldhem-e.anesfim:erity, ho– linefl€, and fand:ification . Bnt (})e tJ:I!le m.eanjng of· thepl2ee as I take it, may be.this~ .It mayddrer. be. underft:ood in·refpeaof pe>1kie, afld etecutiQnqf ·jafiice, thus be not o~rmuch, i.n·dtat:fi:nfeas.we ·&y,be·not tooliberaJ,we m f aU indeed~1>e ·not pro· · ' digall; beenor too mercifUIJ, wheft!a. ma-n pk~s · , for impunity of prophaimet&,.:and:pardonofma- ' L t . · , lefaltors, . J:.,__ _____,__ _,_---~----""""-------- - i.:"·