_felj,,inricbirsg exAminAtion. l 141 t~Mrl lltlmelyforthemof hi1holfhold; he iellieththtf4it!J, ) tJnd is worfe thaN 4n -Iujidctl. An.dit is true indeed, rightly undedl:ood. But not onely the-worldling, doth, but the true-Chrifiian) exdept hee beever,y wary, and keepe fre{h in his conftderation·theunfading and tafting treafuresaoov~,; may beare him.. felfe toobold, andbuild too farre on that place., to the difgraceof his profeffion, diminiihinghisfpi- · rituallcani!ort)'and ldfening his joy in heavenly rhiags. ,·\t is-true, l:eiiworfe thema11 Inftdell wh11provi:deJnot for hitfoN1ily; but he mufi doe--itconfcional>Iy, honefrly, hiwfully ; hee mufrnordeceive, wrongmdoppreffe his neighbour ; he muft not gather wealth together" by ufury, oppreflion or cruelty;byfiea-ling, cozeniPg,or violence; byga~ ming, ly-ing, falihood_or by any indirect meanes, and unlawfull courfe ; for he quire croifes,&ovet' .. throwes the meaning and purpofe of Gods Spirit in that place ; fo hee brings Sco~pions and fire- / branqs into his houfe forrowes and miferies, .atJd theworme that nev-er tlieth, into his owne coo!Cien.ce; .. croffes and curt:-. upon hisriutwardfrat~, plagues and--woes upon his children and pofterity , . for \vhom bee tO-wickedly heaps up·his ~nrighteou's M.dll_Jmon. The·curfe of God doth ever one-way . or o~hM" follow ill gotten goods, and his vengeance doch hunt the covetousman to confufi-on.Itmaybe the wnrldling feeS'an end ofhiswealtheveain this worl~;t hat whiCh is a:otrenwro gfuUy &wicked– ly, bdn~ to therefl like adead flte in abQ?',of pre– cious ointment, or afpark~;> offire in the thatch, it . Lets on fire, waftes & confumesfometimes even in . T 3 fhort ' '")'